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Annual Urban Infrastructure seminar at the Bauhaus University of Weimar

Annual Urban Infrastructure seminar at the Bauhaus University of Weimar

Annual Urban Infrastructure seminar at the Bauhaus University of Weimar
Over the years of cooperation between MGSU and Bauhaus University, Weimar (Germany), a seminar in the field of "Urban Infrastructure" was held already for seventh year in a row from February 03 to February 07, 2020. Participants of the seminar from our university were Danilina Nina Vasilievna, head of the Department of Urban Planning, Makisha Nikolai Alekseevich, associate professor of the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation, as well as students of the Construction and Architecture Institute Anastasia Kuznetsova and Olga Stolyarova, and Mariya Trubina and Oksana Romanova from the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Mechanization. The seminar “Urban Infrastructure” is designed not only to strengthen cooperation between universities, but, just as importantly, during its holding, participants have a unique opportunity to solve actual practical problems and share experience and knowledge. The social quarter project developed as part of the seminar was highly appreciated, and individual decisions are expected to be applied in the near future.
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