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Coronavirus prevention and control measures

Coronavirus prevention and control measures

Coronavirus prevention and control measures
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering is implementing drastic measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus in furtherance of Decree № 397 issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on March 14, 2020 “On the organization of educational activities in organizations implementing educational programmes of higher education and respective supplementary professional programmes in the context of prevention and control of the novel coronavirus in the territory of the Russian Federation.”

In the nearest time, a transfer to distance learning will be implemented for full-time students. 
Distance learning encompasses (1) online courses for students to master the theoretical material, draft their design and analysis projects, term papers and (2) online conferences for practical classes and seminars. Laboratory projects, to be implemented pursuant to the plan of academic actions, are to be scheduled for the second half of the semester. Students will have access to online consultations to be provided by their lecturers according to the timetable. Students may use their online accounts to obtain access to online learning resources on the university’s website.
Healthcare guidelines and coronavirus control and prevention actions will be formulated for the university students. 

All university-wide public events are cancelled through the end of March. Students from the People’s Republic of China, who have not returned to the Russian Federation, study online. Students, enrolled for extramural degree courses, have been transferred to online/distance learning.
© 18.05.2024 | MGSU
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