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What is coronavirus? It’s a causative agent of an acute respiratory viral infection. Its manifestations include intoxication, shortness of breath and diarrhea. more info→
Coronavirus prevention and control measures
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering is implementing drastic measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus more info→
The winter school “Kolomna: Urban Reconstruction Challenge in Ancient Russian Town Context” was held at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
From February 06 to February 20, 2020, the “Kolomna: Urban Reconstruction Challenge in Ancient Russian Town Context” winter school was held at MGSU. more info→
Annual Urban Infrastructure seminar at the Bauhaus University of Weimar
Over the years of cooperation between MGSU and Bauhaus University, Weimar (Germany), a seminar in the field of "Urban Infrastructure" was held already for seventh year in a row from February 03 to February 07, 2020 more info→
IREC 2020 - real challenge for MGSU students
In early January, the annual international competition for young architects, urban planners, developers and managers in the field of real estate management IREC (International Real Estate Challenge) was once again held. Six students from MGSU took part in competition this year... more info→
The MGSU team took 3rd place in the international competition "International Ice and Snow Construction Festival 2019"
From the 19th to 22nd December, the annual "International Festival of Ice and Snow Construction" was held at the Harbin Institute of Technology (China), and this year the team from our university took part in this event for the first time. Eight students from various institutes went to China to create a small architectural form of snow... more info→

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